Making The Most Of Longer Summer Days


June signifies the beginning of summer, longer days, more sunshine (hopefully), the opportunity to spend more time in the garden, and planning trips to all those places you have been promising to visit!

As a nation of dog lovers it’s a great month to be out and about with your canine companion, and to carry out some basic health checks on your pet.  With early summer comes the moulting of a dog’s undercoat, and the arrival of the dreaded ticks which can cause not only soreness and general discomfort to your pet, but as bloodsucking parasites they also carry disease.  Regular grooming (preferably outside) will help remove excess hair whilst a good shampoo and a quick check for ticks will help keep their coats healthy, you can even try giving them a massage with a specialist brush such as the Massage Slicker from Mikki Pet Products. Remember nutrition plays a major part in how good your dog feels and looks, so check you are feeding the correct level of oils such as Omega 3 and 6 which help keep the skin and coat moist, supple and healthy.

With the dog all sorted it’s time to get out and enjoy long walks and visits to the thousands of pet friendly places around the UK.  The National Trust has many beautiful properties which welcome dogs, and you can check out dog friendly beaches around the UK via the Good Beach Guide

Have a great summer and enjoy our fabulous countryside.